Where do I start?

If you are here you have already begun the process. You have ideas. Now you need to decide on the type of structure you wish to install.

Our model units are available at our facilities in St. Catharines for viewing and planning of your future project.

A few items to consider, when you are creating your plan for an installation, are covered below in a step by step process.

Start by checking what is permitted

Determine where...


You may have an idea on where you would like to place a unit. Now you must get to work and confirm the placement is allowable. This will be subject to Ontario Building code, local municipal bylaws and conservation authorities in some cases. You will need to do some home work to check if these agencies will permit your intended use.

Check provincial building code


Once you have an idea of where you would like to place a structure, and what it will be used for, check to see if your planned project is allowable under the Ontario building code, or the overriding building code in your jurisdiction. The building code will limit the size of buildings and what use is permitted. For example, smaller structures, without plumbing can be installed with a maximum area of 15 sq. meters, or approximately 160 sq. ft., without a permit. We can help you with locating the applicable portions of the building code that may support or limit your plans. The next step, once you have determined the size and use of the structure, is to check the local by laws to see if there are other laws you must comply with.

Check your local bylaws


What is a bylaw? A bylaw (or by-law) is a rule created by a community or organization that only applies to itself. Towns, businesses, or condominium corporations all have their own bylaws. Bylaws are a way for organizations to partially customize laws to suit their unique needs. Bylaws can’t erase or contradict provincial or federal law; they can (usually) only add to them. There are some exceptions, but that’s generally how it works in Canada. Local bylaws determine issues related to set backs, number of units, and how the proposed construction will be used.

Check with your Conservation Authority


Often our properties are located adjacent to streams, creeks, ponds, other wet lands or designated green space which can affect your placement of a structure. If you are, it is important to be aware of any restrictions which might limit your plans.